April 11th, DAYENU!
This week three of our classes put on a a Chocolate Seder to get excited about our upcoming seders!
Here's a little diddy we came up with to tell you about our seders:
(to the tune of Dayenu)
We munched and munched on Hot Tamales
Spicy Bitter Hot Tamales
They reminded us of bitter herbs
On the plate were chocolate eggs
Chocolate eggs like the Beitzah
Chocolate eggs for birth and spring
And we drank four cups of milk
Chocolate milk instead of wine
It was sweet, and it was yummy
And we ate some chewy Red Vines
Sweeter then a sprig of parsley
Sweet and chewy, tasty Red Vines
Then we made a matzo sandwich
Just like laying clay and bricks down
Fluff and chocolate on some Matzo
Finally we had a lolly
Lollipops just like a lamb shank
well maybe a little different...
Chag Sameach everyone! We can't wait to welcome you back after Passover break!
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