March 7th, Preparing for Purim!

We can feel the Purim excitement beginning to grow already! This week our students spent time in class brushing up on the story of Purim.

Grace's class made their own graggers and decorated them with villains they would like to scare away with noisemaking. Villains they decided to banish included COVID 19, climate change, kidnappers, and of course Haman. Then the class read the story of Esther and discussed the characters' experiences and motivations. When asked whether King Ahasuerus is a good guy or a bad guy, Charlie thoughtfully answered that he is neither. Charlie explained that the king is kind to Esther but allows Haman to plot against the Jews.

Tali's class put on a Purim play where each student played a different character. One student recognized that
Vashti is one of the most important characters because she stood up to the King first.

Adira's class also reviewed the Purim story and made some epic props for a Purim play. Micah made a funny mask and Leora created a gorgeous crown for Queen Esther.

Arielle's class had a wonderful mask-making workshop, where they created masks for their Purim costumes.

The Purim prep is in full swing, and we can't wait to welcome you all back in person next week for our Family Purim Celebration!!


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